CAGD 495


Sprint 1


  • Main Character Concept
  • Environment: dungeon concepts
    • thumbnails
    • entire layout 
    • lvl design
  • Ranged Enemies


Side Profile:

Rough sketch of the side profiles, in order to help the modelers out with perspective.

 3/4 Profile:

  A full render of the main character the user will play as inside the game. The cape is optional for the modelers but it does provide a cool aesthetic. One arm is covered by armor whereas the other is only covered by bandages which is supposed to indicate his demonic hand that hands his sword. No face, just a mask to keep things mysterious and simple.

 Sprint 2


Rough sketches of the dungeon level. Mostly covered in stone. Will be lit by either candles or torches depending on what modelers feel is easiest. This concept art won't be replicated in the game but just displaying the overall theme of this level as dark and eerie.

Sprint 3


These creatures will be used as ranged or mini melee enemies for the game. I did a color scheme for the flower enemy depending on what colors suit best for the courtyard environment. The mini melee creature, otherwise known as, "snackerz", went through some iterations.


Final render that the modeler team came up with. The legs had to be taken out to eliminate animation and mouth closer in to appear more of a larva than a bug monster.

Sprint 4

Final Boss:

Design of the final boss that the player will have to defeat.  Gave him a devilish face while keeping his body large and muscular, yet capable of areal movement to help out the animators.

I slightly showed a weapon, to indicate what he might wield in the future. A 3/4 pose shows the most out of the character and would help the modelers understand the thickness of the boss.

Sprint 5


I was assigned 5 murals to do, 3 for the dungeon, and 2 for the dungeon. Each mural will activate a story that will help the player understand its world. Even help them escape to the next level.

1 mural: the boss drinking the potion that will lead him to turn into the final boss monster. (dungeon)

2 mural: the sword taking the souls of humans to harvest power. (dungeon)

3 mural: the human are now turned into the monsters you see inside the game and are now being released into the world. (dungeon)

4 mural: human turned into/transforms into the evil sword the main character uses. (courtyard)

5 mural: the mad scientist making more potions for the final boss. (courtyard)

I jumped between Photoshop and clipstudio paint to get different effects and style, since I have two completely different brush sets in each program provided me with more options.

Took me a total of two weeks to complete all 5 murals. I only had to ask for an extension once because the description wasn't clear enough. The modelers never understood that I needed the wall textures so I had to improvise.

I completed my tasks before the end of the sprint 4. My next tasks is to finalize the Boss's weapon, which will ultimately will be a hammer.

Sprint 6

Completed tasks for this sprint include designing the promotional poster and making the main character design transparent, in order to use it on any background.

For the poster I decided to go for the minimalist style and keeping a boss vs hero dynamic that the game  legend of zelda does so well with their posters. I felt red and black are eye catching colors with neutral yellow for a highlight. I wanted to keep consistent with the font already used for the title of the game and will be seen throughout other promotional pieces.

I had little to no problems this sprint and Josh gave me enough time to complete this task.

Here is a png of a transparent image of our main character that will be used for game scenes or title sequences. 

As Art Lead my team as been improving and producing great content, we are almost to the end. This department will be done with work soon, so in the future, I might ask them which pieces need to be polished the most.

I had no incomplete tasks and I am currently working on the title art for the game. The title art deals with typography and background art. I should be done by the assigned due date and from there I will go back and polish some of my pieces before final pitch. 


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