CAGD 345


Our project demonstrates a collaboration of pre-production work.  Jennifer and I presented ideas and took note of direction our story would be going. Jennifer wrote the script and beat sheet and I drew the beat boards, story board, and animatic. I formulated the pitch during our process and even though my partner was sick most of the time we completed each assignment.

This short is about an underdog goat who was brought up as a dog but when he got too big he was left with his own kind. The day the protagonist arrived to the goat farm he was already isolated because of his strange behavior and that caught the attention of one big bully goat. What was thought to be the end for the protagonist became a win for just being who he was.


At the beginning of the short there is a abrupt playing and I couldn't figure out the reason, but that is one issue that I have with this animatic. I was satisfied with all of the sfx I chose and the music choice wasn't a bad fit. I had a hard time finding the type of background music to fit for our short and to follow the change of plot in the story, that is why I had a bit of a black out for a couple of seconds to help the audience transition to a new pace of music. The second music I chose was to make the scenes more climatic when I introduced the antagonist of the story. Another problem I had was the quality of the images are much smaller because when I imported my images into premier the size came out too big for the screen. I went into premier and sized them down and I was left with these results.


All panels were drawn by myself and I had used the same type of drawing style and mediums  from my last project to make my scenes. I was told that I needed more detail, but I had asked other students and TA's for their opinion and they felt that my panels depcited the right amount of emotions and didn't need much changing, so I ended up not taking Jen's advice and left it as it is.


Jennifer wrote the script and I just helped her develop our story line and log line.


Title: Scooter

Plot Summary: Scooter, a goat raised by dogs is suddenly sent away to a goat farm. When the goats see how he acts they are make fun of him. Another goat, Billy, sees how Scooter is acting and doesn’t like it. Scooter challenges Billy to a fight to prove his strength.

Logline: A goat that was raised with dogs on a farm is moved to a goat farm.

Plot Summary:
  1. Introduction
    1. Scooter a baby goat was raised on a farm with dogs.
  2. Falling Action
    1. The farm gets too small for Scooter and he is sent to goat farm and is starting to be made fun for the way he acts.
  3. Conflict
    1. The bully of the goat farm, Billy, notices Scooter acting like a dog. Billy approached Scooter for acting like a non-goat and threatens him to stop acting like that or he will.
  4. Rising Action
    1. Scooter decides to challenge Billy in a fight. He uses his dog fighting skills against Billy and wins.
  5. Conclusion
    1. All the other goats cheer for Scooter and start imitating his skills as goat-dog. Scooter even gets a groupie. Living happily from now on.

  • Problems
    • finding bg music
    • sizing and quality of images in animatic
  • Successful
    • Right amount of sfx
    • Communication with my partner


This project demonstrates the process of pre-production. A collection of work such as script, beat board, story board, and animatic to carry out my story. I had to learn how to create and pitch a story and improve my work through constant feedback.

My short is about a lonely candle flame looking to fill the void in his heart. Until one night a human places a fish bowl next to the candle flame where he falls in love with a bubble girl. But, a evil fish gets in the way of their love and the candle flame has to find a way to reunite with the bubble girl.


Finding sfx is much harder than I thought. I would have used more, but the search for free sfx is not an easy journey. I used an upbeat song to fill in the space. I didn't want to use an English song because it might distract the audience aka students in my class. I had multiple people watch it before submission and heard great feedback about my song choice. Even without a ton of sfx the song helps the beats of the story.


Had little problems with my storyboard and continued to follow through with my animatic.


My issue with the script was not turning it on time with the first submission. But, I already know how to right a script so no problems developing the story or formatting.


LIGHTS OUT (Jasmine Esterman, 2017) - When a lonely, yet romantic candle flame finally discovers the spark he’s been missing lives inside a fish bowl, he risks his life to be with her.
Genre: Romance
Opening Image: We’re introduced to Flameo the candle flame molding a pretend friend out of wax. He hugs the wax friend he made, but it melts out of his arms. A human places a fish bowl on the tabletop and Flameo eyes meets the bubble girl for the first time.
The Catalyst: When the bubble girl notices Flameo they gesture at each other in a flirtatious manner. Flameo slides over with his wax and taps at the bowl to feel a better connection, but a big black fish looms over and swishes the bubble girl to the other side of the bowl. The bubble girl is a prisoner to the black fish.  
The Mid-point: The black fish gets in the way of Flameo and the bubble girl’s love. He becomes a problem when Flameo’s actions to save her become fruitless.
Break Into Three/Finale: It comes down to the boiling point where Flameo gets so angry he boils the fish’s water, killing the fish. All the bubbles boiling towards the surface pushes the bubble girl out of the water and she finally becomes free.
Final Image: Flameo and the bubble girl can finally be in each other’s arms. She floats to him with open arms for an embrace, but when they touch she pops and his light goes out. The only thing left is water residue shaped as a heart on the table, a tragic story to a bitter sweet ending.
Flameo, a candle flame, is about to fulfill his loneliness. Trying to make friends out of wax, a human places company by his side. He falls in love with a bubble girl at first sight, but his problem is she’s trapped in a fish bowl. Determined to save the bubble girl he has to go up against a black fish that keeps her prisoner.

  • Problems
    • not finding enough sfx
  • Successful
    • perfect song choice
    • had enough angles and composition throughout my story


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