CAGD 230

Final Game

I've been formulating my tower that I am responsible for. A problem I've been running into is with the edge loop tool, I want to create a cylinder on the bottom while keeping the square structure on the top. But, if I use the edge loop tool it creates an edge across the entire tower, where I only want a selected side. My next step is to create more pipes and the fence around the tower, once I find a solution to my edge loop problem. Everyone's overall progress seems that we are all still working on modeling and adding more value onto our buildings. We should get all the modeling done before thanksgiving break ends.

Our group decided to do a scene from Borderlands. We Chose this angle to mimic the same as our reference. I'm responsible for two buildings, one in the center between the two other buildings and the far right one. Our goal is to recreate this scene but in daylight.


A better focus on which two buildings I am in charge of for this assignment. During the weekend I haven't done a lot of modeling due to financial matters I had to resolve. But, luckily I don't have to model as much as I thought, due to the fact that most of the details can come from the textures.

As you can see I'm still figuring out the sizes of the window. Even though, I don't necessarily need them because I could just use the textures to create the illusion of them there, but I wanted more depths in my building. Therefore, I'm just gonna make it harder on myself.

Here is both my UV layout and my bump map that I'm starting to texture in PS. The textures are gonna take me awhile to do since there isn't much offered online. I'm going to have to manipulate and replicate them as much as I can. Maybe, I still have some 110 skills. Overall, My team is basically done with modeling the main buildings and now we are just gonna add some extras here and there to fill the areas. I finally manage to finish the first part of my fence but I am worry about my poly count so hopefully I won't have to get rid of it.

Currently finished my first building and I am in the middle of creating a barbed wire fence to go around the building. Hopefully, get started On the second building didn't have time to work on it during the holiday break, if my other team mate hasn't tackled the job already. My next step is to finish the fence and also, begin on the terrain in unity. Seems my entire team has at least 3 buildings minimum and are going to add more details in the future.

Here's another angel w/o color.

Apparently, my laptop doesn't have enough memory to take render images

Got all my texturing done as well as created the terrain. The most difficult part is texturing and my group has worked very hard. Wish we were better at communicating. We are gonna combine all our work the next day in Unity and play through there. Wished we had some more time in class to cover over unity more, feels a disadvantage to work in a program we never used before.

Here's our final render.

It was a difficult experience, but learned a lot through out this project. Most of our source images can be found through google images basically typing in borderlands textures in the search bar. Proud of my team and how much we accomplished towards the end of it all.


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